classical ballet and Chinese dance

7 Differences Between Ballet and Classical Chinese Dance | Dance Performance

Classical Chinese dance is one of the most expressive forms of dance in the world. This Chinese dance has become more popular since Shen Yun Performing Arts established in New York in 2006.

You may be surprised to find that several popular athletic disciplines originate from this dance.

classical Chinese dance techniques of control and flexibility
classical Chinese dance techniques of control and flexibility

Classical ballet and classical Chinese dance both are beautiful to watch.

Both require a lot of hard work and discipline to master. But there is a distinct difference between them.

Classical <a href=
Ballet – Swan Lake ” width=”800″ height=”400″ /> Classical Ballet – Swan Lake

The key differences  is that they require different levels of discipline because they require different levels of physicality.

This article summarizes the 7 basic differences between them: history, training, physicality, techniques, cultural influence and footwork.

Key Takeaways:

  • Expand your cultural knowledge and see all this ancient form of dance has to offer at Differences between Ballet and Classical Chinese Dance.
  • Much like classical ballet, classical Chinese dance is one of the most complex forms of dance in the world.
  • You may be surprised to find that several popular athletic disciplines originate from classical Chinese dance.

“Until a few years ago, very few people outside China ever heard of classical Chinese dance.”

Read More at https://www.shenyun.org/news/view/article/e/QcKKrpHNpUw/ballet-classical-chinese-dance-differences.html

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