Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio – A Sacred Number Linking the Past to the Present

The Golden Ratio is a formula that has been around for centuries. In math, there are two quantities in the golden ratio and if the ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum, that means those two numbers are the golden ratio. The golden ratio has been around for at least 2,400 years and is believed to have been used during the creation of statues of the Parthenon in Greece all the way back between 490 and 430 BC. Some people argue that the golden ratio goes back even further and the Egyptians used it as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Greek letter Phi, pronounced like the dessert, is also known as the Golden Ration in mathematics.
  • The Golden Mean, or the number 161803399, isn’t merely seductive to mathematicians. Musicians, psychologists, historians and artists have also contemplated it.
  • We know the concept was at least as old as the Egyptian pyramids, because it was used to construct the triangular burial edifices.

“The golden ratio has fascinated Western intellectuals of diverse interests in at least 2,400 years. The earliest known monuments believed to have been built according to this alluring number are the statues of the Parthenon in Greece, dating back between 490 and 430 BC. However, there are many who have argued that it goes back much further than this and that the Egyptians were well versed in the properties of this unique number.”

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