“First Date,” a contemporary love story musical directed by Bill Berry, is openly running at The Longacre Theatre, 220 West 48th Street, New York City. It is an over-all appealing performance with excellent direction, production, actors, characters, story-line, and stand-out lyrics.
The music and lyrics were arranged by Alan Zachary – who also plays the lead character, Aaron, a financial analyst – and Michael Weiner. The story is based on Austin Winsberg’s book. And, the musical theme mainly touches on issues of loneliness, need for companionship, and the un-readiness to let go of the past. The theatrical show is made even more interesting by the opposite-polarity of the two main characters’ traits.
Krysta Rodriguez plays the female lead, Casey, an amateur photographer – and delivers a striking performance, while Zachary’s character, in contrast started as weak but in the end delivers a surprising three-dimensional character twist at that moment of his final confrontation with his ex girlfriend named Allison.
Find out how the ‘First Date’ went or how it ended. More info here: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/272395-theater-review-first-date/