Seeing colors when meditating are common experiences, and they have a range of symbolic meanings. These meanings can be for your physical healing, spiritual enlightenment, personal growth progress, psychological insight, or to reflect old wisdom.
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Seeing Colors During Meditation, What Does Each Color Mean?
Even if your eyes are closed when meditating, you may notice specific colors moving over your vision. Deciphering their true meaning may appear simple.
However, when you consider that each color has multiple meanings depending on your age, culture, and spiritual experience, it becomes much more perplexing.
If you don’t fully comprehend what they represent, you may mistake their genuine meaning in your meditative state.
The most important thing to remember when interpreting the different colors you see during meditation is that color meanings are never universal; they are always unique to you.
Let’s make sure you understand what those colors mean when you meditate in this article.
Is It Normal to See Colors While Meditating?

Colors are frequently seen when individuals meditate. Don’t be alarmed; it’s very normal.
It is a good sign and considered that you are healing when you see colors. Furthermore, the color you are seeing corresponds to one of your body’s energy centers.
As a result, it’s worth investigating whether there’s a connection between your physical and emotional health and the hue.
Why Are You Seeing Colors?

It means you’re adept at deep meditation and connecting with your subconscious mind while not focusing on the colors or visions.
There are numerous beliefs on what specific visions and colors imply. As it is typically a personal experience, it may take some digging to get to the bottom of it for you.
However, it is almost unanimously agreed that seeing colors associated with the seven chakra points indicates a problem with that specific chakra.
You should not concentrate on it when meditating. Allow yourself to stay in the moment and collect your thoughts later to understand the meaning.
Are Colors Healing?
Researchers have discovered numerous ancient communities that used colored light, for example, to heal their people.
Despite the fact that people’s emotional responses to color differ between cultures, people all across the world employ color’s healing energy and power to treat physical, mental, and emotional ailments.
Many colors have healing characteristics, according to color therapy, hence healing colors have traditionally been used to relax, modify moods, and alter people’s perceptions of objects and surroundings.
Should You Focus on Colors While Meditating?
No, you should avoid focusing on colors or other stimuli while meditating.
Meditation teaches you to focus attention instead of analyzing what you see or think about.
While meditating, it is critical to learn to be present in the moment. You should play the role of spectator, and your conscious mind will interpret what you see.
It’s fine to think about these experiences later, and it’s reasonable to wonder why you’re seeing certain colors.
Seven Chakra Colors and Meanings

- Red / The Root Chakra / Muladhara – It is associated with our foundation (base of the spine) and a sense of being rooted.
- Orange / Sacral Chakra / Svadhisthana – It symbolizes our ability to accept and connect with others.
- Yellow / Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura – It symbolizes how confident and in control we are.
- Green / Heart Chakra / Anahata – It symbolizes our ability to love.
- Blue / Throat Chakra / Vishuddi – It symbolizes our ability to communicate.
- Purple (Indigo) / Third Eye Chakra /Ajna – It symbolizes our ability to focus.
- Violet / Crown Chakra /Sahasrara – It symbolizes our ability to form spiritual connections.
Meditation Colors and Their Different Meanings | What to Use Them
In the Eastern Healing Systems, seeing colors during meditation is seen to be a healing experience.
The concept is that each color corresponds to a different energy field or chakra system in the body.
Here’s a quick rundown of the seven energy centers, their colors, and what they represent:
What Does Seeing Red Color During Meditation Mean?
Red is an energetic hue that generates sentiments of warmth, passion, and power. It is related to our bodily self and naturally increases our physical life force.
We will feel inspired and motivated to take action in our lives when we see the color red in our meditation. The link of the color red with our most basic bodily demands and a strong will to survive propels us to act.
Red is a fiery color linked with love and sexuality. It can also be employed to increase our appetite, and it may be our subconscious reminding us to take care of our body.
Longer exposure to the color red can trigger different feelings of irritation, wrath, and agitation, as well as violent outbursts. We may feel afraid, irritable, and wary if we don’t have enough red in our system.
What Does Seeing Orange Color During Meditation Mean?
Because of its relationship with the happiness of yellow and the stimulation of red, the color orange is one of love and compassion, spreading happiness and brightness. It is known as the hue of exploration and social interaction.
It varies from red (physical reaction) and yellow (mental reaction) in that it reacts to situations with our gut instinct, which can provide emotional strength and allow us to recover rapidly from a loss at times.
Orange is recognized to have psychological associations with positive and uplifting attitudes, which can help to revitalize our spirits. Because of its openness to new ideas and free spirit, orange is associated with adventure, curiosity, competition, and independence.
Because of its warm and inviting quality, as well as its exciting component, which can inspire intriguing conversation, the hue can help with social communication skills.
Because of its youthful and impetuous features, the color orange is especially appealing to younger people.
What Does Seeing Yellow Color During Meditation Mean?
Yellow is associated with learned knowledge, the mind, and human intellect.
It is the pragmatic thinker, not the creative dreamer. This relationship with intelligence stems from the color yellow’s association with the left half of the brain, sometimes known as the ‘logic side.’
This association enhanced our mental perception, which improved our mental agility.
The yellow hue represents creativity, fresh ideas, and the development of new problem-solving abilities.
Yellow has uplifting, hopeful emotions due to its bright color and high location on the color spectrum. It provides joy, happiness, enlightenment, optimism, and enjoyment.
Yellow is associated with our sense of self-worth and ego; it can influence how we are regarded by others as well as how we feel about ourselves.
Because of its fast-moving vibrations, too much yellow can cause anxiety.
What Does Seeing Green Color During Meditation Mean?
Green is associated with balance, harmony, and self-growth. It has the potential to balance our emotions and create harmony between our head and heart. Seeing green when meditating might represent the renewal and revival of dead energy.
Green is an emotionally pleasant color that allows us to re-energize and re-establish our sense of well-being through loving and nurturing ourselves and those around us. Overall, it is a natural peacemaker that promotes harmony and balance in one’s life.
Green is a mix of the hues blue and yellow, therefore it combines the exuberance and clarity of yellow with the calm insight of blue.
Green colors encourage a love of nature, family, friends, and the home. Green represents durability and stability, as well as abundance and an overall sense of safety and security (both financially and emotionally). Excessive use of the color green might lead to possessive and materialistic behavior.
What Does Seeing Turquoise Color During Meditation Mean?
Seeing turquoise during your spiritual practice represents opening the lines of communication between your heart and the outside world. It is a cheerful color that provides a positive attitude on life and allows us to replenish our spirits during times of mental stress, exhaustion, or loneliness.
Turquoise is a color combination of yellow and blue that emits positive uplifting energy, calm, serenity, and tranquillity.
This hue promotes quick thinking, clear thinking, and speech control, making it a suitable color to view before public speaking engagements or an emergency situation. Turquoise promotes inner health, creativity, and sensitivity, which aids in the development of a higher self and the enhancement of intuitive abilities.
Too much turquoise can cause the color to become self-centered, boastful, and narcissistic. Too much turquoise can cause a hyperactive mind and emotional imbalance, resulting in these emotions.
What Does Seeing Blue Color During Meditation Mean?
Blue is an honorable hue that represents trust, loyalty, and responsibility. Its real, peaceful nature demonstrates inner security and confidence. When it comes to taking control of one’s life and doing the right thing in difficult times, this hue is dependable.
Because of this responsible tendency, viewing the color blue while meditation has been shown to relieve tension and anxiety by instilling a sense of control and order. Above all, the color blue promotes physical and mental relaxation through its responsible nature, so creating tranquillity and peace in your life.
Blue is a giver, not a taker, and the success of its values is dependent on the quality and quantity of its interactions. Despite the amazing benefits of seeing the color blue during meditation,
it can also become rigid and inflexible when confronted with a sudden change or a new concept. This hue exists in the past and connects all present and future experiences to it.
Blue is associated with the fifth chakra, the Throat Chakra, which is positioned in the center of the neck and aids in the transmission of energy between our body and top of the head.
Seeing blue may indicate that your body is mending your throat chakra area while you meditate.
Do you have physical issues, such as a sore throat or soreness in your neck and shoulders?
Do you find it difficult to interact with others and convey what you want?
What Does Seeing Black Color During Meditation Mean?
The color black has a hidden aspect in meditation. By keeping things bottled up, it signifies the hidden or unknown. This color can provide protection from the external emotional stress that a person may be experiencing. This color is the complete lack of white light and the absorption of all other hues.
This barrier it develops between itself and the outside world provides the meditator with emotions of peace and security. It accomplishes this by concealing any lack of self-confidence, vulnerabilities, or insecurities.
When compared to black, white is a more powerful hue because it can reveal all of the secrets that black conceals from the outside world. What black tries to conceal is revealed by white. Through the limitation of information, black can represent authority and control.
It denotes independence, self-control, trustworthiness, and tenacity. It can also absorb any negative energy that you are experiencing. Black, when encountered in abundance, can represent negative concealment or sad loneliness.
What Does Seeing Purple Color During Meditation Mean?
Seeing the color purple while meditating is associated with your inner imagination and spirituality. It is known as a contemplative color, allowing us to connect with our deepest thoughts. Violet and purple have comparable connotations. Purple, on the other hand, is known to be more vibrant than violet.
Purple broadens our perception and links us to our higher consciousness. Because of this connection with consciousness, the color purple has come to be associated with soul transformation. Purple fosters mental harmony, which leads to mental stability and serenity of mind.
Purple has a lot of power since it is associated with monarchy, aristocracy, and a high-quality richness that demands respect. It should be used sparingly and with caution, especially by individuals who are prone to depression. This is due to the fact that too much purple is known to increase and intensify depression states in people.
What Does Seeing Violet Color During Meditation Mean?
The color violet is a version of the color purple, which is known for its spiritual awakening qualities that connect us to our higher consciousness. Purple and violet are both connected with monarchy and aristocracy, which implies they demand a certain level of respect.
The color violet, in particular, stimulates unconditional love, which promotes true self-love, sensitivity, and compassion without the need of ego-driven choices. Violet promotes creative endeavors and seeks individuality and inspiration, which may be used to learn our most particular details and apply them to improve our self-esteem.
Violet’s creativity can sometimes foster dream and idealism that is far from reality, which can be dangerous. Violet, like purple, can help us with our spiritual connection and meditation practice by connecting us to our higher selves. It is a strong color that, if overused, can lead to cynical behavior.
Are You Seeing a Vortex While Meditating?
Seeing a vortex can mean different things to different people. However, for the majority of people – you were seeing your Third Eye, also known as the sixth chakra. The strong visuals are unlocked by activating this chakra.
Viewing a vortex for the first time may blow your mind as you feel like you falling into another dimension.
It will most likely come clearer over time as you meditate deeper for a long time
The first time you see colors in meditation can be fascinating and different from your usual practice. They can, however, leave you perplexed as to why you’re seeing them and what they represent.
When people meditate, they have various feelings, sights, and thoughts.
One of the most fascinating, insightful, and thought-provoking aspects of meditation is the ability to visualize something.
The chakras are the body’s energy centers. They often have a clear correlation to our current state and even diseases that have arisen within the body.
Spirit provides us with clues and a treasure map. It is our job to decipher it in order to find the buried treasure or, in this case, the underlying meaning of the color.