
Aerial Work of Art – Ms. Lin-Jieh Huang (Artist Profile)

Lin-Jieh Huang, adorned in her beautiful peacock costume, leaps into a 180 degrees plus split in the air in her solo performance. Her gracefulness and control of movement could defy gravity. She pauses in midair like an elegant peacock photographed in flight. – Photographers and choreographers alike have said they prefer Ms. Huang for such jump poses because of her ability to resemble a still art, even in midair.

“When I’m dancing, I don’t think of it as a technique that I have to do next… You are coordinating your body as a whole, rather than a specific muscle… This is how you create a perfect pose in one jump,” explains.

Ms. Huang tours across the world with the Shen Yun Performing Arts, a New York-based Chinese dance company founded in 2006 by expat Chinese artists in the hopes of reviving traditional/ classical Chinese culture.

One of Lin-Jieh Huang’s favorite dances is the Bai ethnic dance, “A Legacy of Grace.”

Discover more of her performances and techniques here: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/273185-artist-profile-ms-lin-jieh-huang/

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